The Porsche 928 automatic has a flexplate bolted to the flywheel designed to absorb the differences between the cold and hot running gear. The long drive shaft is connected between the engine and the rear mounted gear box. The OEM design can allow the drive shaft to move within the clamp exerting constant positive pressure on the flexplate and in turn the crankshaft. The thrust bearing will become worn by the crankshaft If the clamp is not checked, pressure released and bolt replaced on a regular (yearly) basis. When the thrust face is worn down by constant pressure from the crankshaft it will start to wear the engine web itself. Over time heat from friction will seize the engine and destroy the block. We have seen this in person and it isn't pretty.
The Ritech clamp can be fitted quite easily and without removing the original OEM clamp. it is fitted to the outside of the original clamp and mechanically holds it in place. It will prevent the drive shaft moving within the clamp. Once fitted you have peace of mind. It no longer needs to be checked and released each year
This product is intended to positively clamp the driveshaft to the existing clamp and should aid the prevention of the condition in which the shaft migrates back in the standard clamp and places constant forces on the flexplate and crankshaft thrust bearing. Such forces may have already damaged the engine in a way which would not be apparent unless the engine were to be stripped. It is advised that the flexplate tension be checked every year in any case.
Ritech Systems Ltd, JDSPorsche any of our personnel shall not in any circumstances whatsoever be liable for any engine damage, personal injury or death caused by or arising out of the use of this flexplate clamp.
Price 230 GBP + shipping.
All Rights Reserved | MJ Parris Consulting Ltd.
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